Beatriz Mesa

Beatriz MESA has a PhD in Political Sciences from Grenoble University (France). She is a professor at the International University of Rabat (UIR), member of the research team in Center for Global Studies (CGS) of University International of Rabat. She is member of the research team in the Laboratory of Analysis of Societies and Powers – Africa / Diasporas (LASPAD). Her current areas of interest and work revolve around security, migration, borders, identities, political Islam, conflicts, armed groups and criminal economy in the Maghreb and Sahel region. She equally has more than 14 years of work experience as an international analyst for mass media. Mesa holds membership to various scientific associations and is the author of several articles, including, but not limited to – La falsa yihad: el negocio del narcotráfico en el Sahel (Dalya, 2013) and Les groupes armés du Sahel. Conflits et économie criminelle au Nord du Mali (Halfa, 2021).

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